These 15 super hilarious NSFW Korean comics are the perfect distraction

There are some things that don’t translate well to various cultures and languages, but these slightly NSFW (and devilishly funny) comics are not one of those things.

Luckily, it appears that a kind soul has taken it upon themselves to translate these hilarious comic strips into English in order for everyone to enjoy!

Take a quick break from your day to look over these fun comic strips!

  1. Sometimes you really should heed people’s warnings…

  2. The struggles of a nurse.

  3. Make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.

  4. So much for being partners…

  5. Leisure at it’s finest

  6. When you have a good idea, remember that there’s always room for improvement.

  7. It’s always the quiet ones…

  8. Free never really is free, is it?

  9. Remember, always listen to what your significant other says.

  10. Competitiveness at its finest.

  11. That’s one way to find the suspect.

  12. When people are a little too hospitable.

  13. Don’t you hate it when this happens?

  14. Stranger Danger folks, don’t ever forget it

  15. Who knew Wonder Woman had this much game?

Well, wasn’t that a good time?

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