Pristin Talks About The Difficulties of Menstruation As Idols

PRISTIN and Heechul talked about the difficulties of having periods on a variety show called “We Like Zines.”

Heechul asked PRISTIN members to reveal what was an issue girl idols face.

PRISTIN was careful to talk about “it” and said “it” was something that came every month.

Heechul thought they were talking about their monthly pay checks but quickly understood what they meant when they said it was something like “magic.” 

PRISTIN’s Siyeon said periods were a huge inconvenice and needed to be talked about. 

Heechul agreed and gave his thoughts regarding periods. 

“Since I am so close with girl idols, they openly talk about their periods and how uncomfortable it is as an idol. Some of them tell me they wanted to die and I understand to a certain extent.

An idol’s schedule is really tiring and periods can tire a girl but as an idol you have to keep going.

Also, there are mood issues that come with periods but as an idol, you must act happy and smile.

That is really hard for girl idols. Periods are hard on non-celebrity girls too and some of them even get depression over this.”

— Heechul

The issue is not discussed as much since it’s very private and personal but this confession by PRISTIN helped people realize an additional difficulty female idols face. 

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