Gayoon makes first public appearance at college graduation since 4minute’s disbandment

A little bit over 2 months after 4minute‘s disbandment back in June, former member Gayoon made her first public appearance at her college graduation.

Dressed in an all-black graduation gown, Gayoon was seen tirelessly smiling and posing for the cameras, while giving off her usual elegance. Her graduation photos were shared onto various social media platforms, as those who spotted her celebrated her graduation from Dongguk University, a popular college for K-pop stars.

The celebrity turns 27 this year, enrolling into the prestigious school in 2011 and graduating five years later. While being a K-pop star, she chose the major in theatre at college.

Fans wrote, “Still looks as beautiful as ever. Hope to see more of her pretty smiles from now on”, “Gayoonie~ Congratulations on your graduation!”, “Prettier than flowers ~ sparkly Gayoonie”.

If you have not seen, check out the graduation photos below:

. 생글생글 하네 ? 하나도 안더운 표정 ? #허바비 #졸업식 #축하해 #공로상

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