The Korean Government Is Telling Koreans To Have More Sex, Here’s Why

With a fertility rate of just 1.25 children per woman, South Korea has begun offering incentives to its citizens to have more babies.

One of the most important factors in a country’s success is the well-being of its citizens, and one of the most important factors in the maintenance of a healthy citizenry is a robust replacement fertility rate.

Replacement fertility is defined as the rate at which the total number of births keeps the population constant and is usually set at 2.1 children/woman.

Due to various cultural and economic factors, however, only about half of the world’s countries currently hit their replacement fertility targets.

Countries that don’t achieve their targets are then forced to employ various strategies in order to encourage more procreation.

There is no greater love than a love for a child.

South Korea’s fertility rate sits far below the ideal replacement rate at 1.25 and, in an attempt to reach replacement fertility, South Korea is offering a number of incentives.

Cash incentives are being offered to those who have more than 1 child and every third Wednesday of every month has been designated “family day” and South Korean offices shut their lights off at 7 PM.

The nine other countries on the list of countries that want their citizens to have more sex are Singapore, India, Italy, Hong Kong, Spain, Romania, Japan, Russia, and Denmark.

Source: Independent, PubMed

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