Running Man Ji Suk Jin Underwent Cosmetic Procedure, Here’s What He Looks Like

Running Man’s Ji Suk Jin underwent a microblading treatment and unveiled his new look on the latest episode!

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup for shaping and redefining one’s eyebrows to make them look thicker.

Ji Suk Jin appeared to have thicker, fuller, and more shapely eyebrows, which earned a lot of praise.

Yang Se Chan told him that it turned out really well and that it looked very natural.

Lee Kwang Soo, however, laughed and told Yang Se Chan not to be mean by lying to Ji Suk Jin about his eyebrows.

“What do you mean they look natural! You’re being more mean [by lying to him]!”

— Lee Kwang Soo

HaHa also joked that Ji Suk Jin’s eyebrows made him look sad as they were angled slightly downwards.

“Hyung, did you ask them to do it for you to make it look like you’re crying?”

— HaHa

Ji Suk Jin began to doubt his decision to have had the procedure done based on everyone’s feedback.

“Does it look bad? They told me it turned out really natural and good…”

— Ji Suk Jin

What do you think of Ji Suk Jin’s new eyebrows?

Source: Dispatch

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