Yoo Jae Suk and producers under fire after high school girl appears on show

Yoo Jae Suk and the producers of Same Bed Different Dreams are under fire after featuring a high school girl complaining about her father.

On the program Same Bed Different Dreams hosted by Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Gura, families come out to discuss their problems or issues. Recently, during episode 14, a girl in high school came out to complain that her father seeks skin-ship with her despite her age. On the program she explained that her father not only tries to hold her hands but also touch her buttocks, thighs, and even tries to give her pecks.

The mood was not serious as the daughter explained it in a bright manner but wanted him to stop. The father also responded that he does so because he feels that she will not be his baby daughter anymore if he suddenly stops it. But during the show, the father is also seen grabbing her from behind as well as climbing onto her bed.

After the show aired, many disturbed viewers in Korea brought up the issue by bad mouthing the father for his inappropriate behavior to his grown daughter. Even an international viewer shared this on the online community Reddit and asked for the issue to be shared. Many have expressed that although they do not believe the father to be a pedophile, he needs to change his ways of treating his daughter.

Since then, the daughter featured on the program tried to explain the situation by stating that her father even claimed that there were too many skin-ship scenes as a lot of those parts were made up for the program. She also added that her family is indeed happy and to stop the hatred towards her father. After her message through her SNS account, many viewers have turned their hate towards the producers of the program by trying to make up scenes on the show to attract more viewers.

The producers and staff of Same Bed Different Dreams have officially apologized stating that many of the scenes were indeed put in to make things more interesting. And that they did not have intentions of disturbing viewers or making the family look bad. They also have promised to work more efficiently in order to bring better issues and episodes after this controversy.

Source: World Daily and 10 Asia

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