BTOB’s Eunkwang joins “We Got Married” as a studio panelist

Still cuts of the June 20th episode of MBC‘s We Got Married were revealed prior to the show, welcoming the entrance of the new SungjaeJoy couple!

The shy, young couple was previously spotted by fans during their filming session on the streets of Sinchon. The BTOB  and the Red Velvet member will officially tie their virtual knot when their first broadcast airs at 4:55PM KST. Their fellow group members will also be appearing on the show.

In particular, BTOB’s leader Seo Eunkwang, will also be joining the studio panelists, which give their comments on the performance of the couples. Filming for the studio panelist already took place a few days ago, on June 17th. There is much anticipation regarding how the quick-witted idol will give comments on his fellow group member, and whether he will divulge any differences between Sungjae’s on-screen and off-screen behaviors.

The other new couple who will enter the show is the 80’s couple actor Oh Min Suk and actress Kang Ye Won.

We Got Married
Photo: sports today

Source: mydaily

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