B.I Shares His Morning (Afternoon) Routine During A Hilarious ASMR Challenge

Keeping quiet always makes things funnier.

YouTube channel FO Squad Kpop, a well-known K-pop reaction channel that has also interviewed multiple K-pop artists like Jessi and SEVENTEEN, has started a new show called Taste of Culture. In this show, Lou and Ousmane will be sharing their culture from Senegal, West Africa, with K-pop idols, and have the idols share their culture as well. The first segment of the show will be focused on African food, the second on Korean games, and the third will be a chill interview conducted while drinking Senegalese African Tea.

Soloist B.I appeared as their first guest, pleasantly surprising everyone with his fluency in English and sharing plenty of laughs with FO Squad. The interview started off with B.I trying tchiebou yapp, a rice and lamb dish of Senegal. When asked about his reaction when he first tried it, he hilariously apologized, saying he was starving, before continuing to eat the dish. Actions speak louder than words, and B.I clearly enjoyed the meal.

| FO Squad Kpop/YouTube

Afterwards, the three played an ASMR game, where they had to keep their voices under 40 decibels or take a toy hammer to the head. When it came to B.I’s turn, Ousmane asked B.I to explain in detail his morning routine.

B.I admitted that he didn’t usually wake up in the morning, so instead told them about his afternoon routine. To tease him, the two tried to bait him into speaking louder in the beginning, earning lots of giggles from anyone watching.

B.I shared that after he woke up, he would turn on jazz music, connecting with Lou in enjoying the smooth and chill rhythms.

Then he would order his lunch and stretch his body, and when Lou asked if that meant he was flexible, it led to B.I breaking the decibel limit and earning a hit to the head, sending the three into silent laughter.

He would wrap up his afternoon with reading poems, a hobby he really loved. When B.I said that his afternoon routine sounded a little unrealistic, he forgot to whisper, resulting a slow motion capture of his punishment.

While B.I’s afternoon routine does sound slightly unrealistic, it’s a testament to his character. As someone who enjoys relaxing and observing the world around him, the deep insight of B.I’s thoughts is reflected in his music, gifting fans with artful lyrics and music that goes right to the heart.

You can watch the full episode below:

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