The Most Replay, Replay, Replayed Moments From 20+ SHINee Music Videos
SHINee‘s discography and videography are both immaculate!
SHINee’s music videos are all filled with replayable moments, but each video has a moment that stands out above the rest for Shawols.
Here’s a look at the Most Replayed moments from some of SHINee’s music videos!
1. “Replay”
The Most Replayed moment is the first chorus! This clip begins at 0:59.
2. “Love Like Oxygen”
The transition from Minho‘s rap to the outro is the Most Replayed moment! It starts at 2:49.
3. “Amigo”
Taemin has the Most Replayed line of this video! This clip begins at 0:59.
4. “Juliette”
Taemin starts the Most Replayed moment off, and it ends with OT5! This clip starts at 3:02.
5. “Ring Ding Dong”
The Most Replayed part is the very beginning when Jonghyun starts singing!
6. “Lucifer”
The first dance break is the Most Replayed moment! It starts at 0:19.
7. “Hello”
The beginning of the song is the Most Replayed moment! The song starts at 0:23 after the video’s introduction.
8. “Sherlock (Clue + Note)”
Of course, the iconic chorus is the Most Replayed part! It starts at 1:31.
9. “Dream Girl”
The first chorus is the Most Replayed moment! It starts at 0:47.
10. “Why So Serious?”
The very beginning of this song is the Most Replayed scene!
11. “Everybody”
How could you not watch this part over and over?! The Most Replayed scene begins at 3:38.
12. “Colorful”
SHINee are the kings of Halloween! These shots of them in their costumes are the Most Replayed moment, and this clip starts at 3:37.
13. “View”
The catchy chorus is the Most Replayed part! The first chorus begins at 0:39.
14. “Married to the Music”
Key‘s “wait up girl hold on,” and Jonghyun’s first lines are the Most Replayed part! This scene starts at 0:15.
15. “1 of 1”
Another intro that’s too good to pass up! The very start of the song and Taemin’s “whoo!” is the Most Replayed moment.
16. “Tell Me What to Do”
One of Taemin’s lines is the Most Replayed scene of this video! This clip starts at 2:13.
17. “Good Evening”
Onew kicks off the Most Replayed moment of this video! The scene begins at 2:44.
18. “I Want You”
The first chorus is the Most Replayed part! This clip starts at 0:46.
19. “Our Page”
The beautiful outro is the Most Replayed scene. It begins at 4:32.
20. “Countless”
Taemin’s showstopping sustained note is the Most Replayed scene! This clip is from 2:28.
21. “Don’t Call Me”
The chorus leg move is iconic! The first chorus is the Most Replayed moment, and it starts at 1:20.
22. “Atlantis”
Key sings during this Most Replayed moment! This super coordinated choreography moment starts at 1:27.