Hollywood Actor Chris Evans Gets Real About His “Crazy Experience” With Korean Fans

“…one of the crazier experiences…”

Chris Evans, famous for his work in the Avengers series as Captain America, once visited South Korea on a press tour. He was starring in Snow Piercer then. The movie received great publicity in the country thanks to the director’s South Korean nationality.

On an episode of Jimmy Kimmel, the star shared his unique experience with Korean fans. Koreans love Chris Evans due to the popularity of Marvel. Many fans had turned up to the airport to catch a glimpse of Evans during his visit.

Although there were barricades set up to keep fans back, the fans ended up pushing through the flimsy barricades. Chris Evans recalled being surrounded by screaming fans.

He likened the experience to being in a zoo, even comparing it to the crowds that The Beatles probably faced.

Finally, they called security, who managed to lead the group out of the airport safely. The producer later apologized to Evans, who deflected their worries easily as he reassured them that it was nothing.

Despite this, the producer vowed to do better when Evans was scheduled to leave the country. The result? A whole crew of bodyguards who linked hands to create a safe boundary for Evans.

But there’s a huge plot twist to the story. According to Chris Evans, not a single fan turned up to send him off. He tried to tell the guards to stand down but they continued to do his job.

Chris Evans even reenacted how the guards led him through the airport.

Although it was slightly embarrassing for the star, the experience surely must’ve been one for the books! Catch a clip of Chris on the show below.

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