Remembering The Most Iconic Choreography “Blunder” In K-Pop History

What could have ended poorly turned out pretty incredible!

With how many performances a K-Pop group puts on during the course of their career, they’re bound to make mistakes here and there. Idols aren’t perfect, and when they do make an innocent blunder during a show, we love to see them just laugh it off and keep going like the professionals they are!

Making a mistake in a choreography is pretty easy to do, especially if there’s a problem with an idol’s in-ears that makes it difficult to hear their music. An example of this is this ending of “Vision” done by Dreamcatcher‘s Siyeon, who looked amazing despite missing the cue to bring her hand down.

Other times it’s just a simple slip of the foot or missed beat that leads to a momentary lack of synchronization, but these sorts of situations usually happen so fast it’s easy to miss! This almost happened to TXT‘s Beomgyu in this moment during a performance of “Magic” around the 1:40 mark, but he managed to catch himself in time — however, the look on his face is priceless!

One of, if not the, most iconic “blunders” like this that happened during a K-Pop performance took place seven years ago, during the showcase performance for SEVENTEEN‘s song “Pretty U”. Still rookies at the time, the group was already known for their incredible dancing abilities and synchronization together.

It’s during the beginning of the second chorus, however, that Joshua ends up going off just a beat, leading him to do several movements at different times than the rest of the members. However, rather than look messy, the mistake actually looks intentional, especially since Joshua didn’t panic and just looked as confident as ever!

The moment starts around the 2:00 mark in this video.

Even now, the moment remains iconic among the SEVENTEEN fandom, and in the K-Pop community as a whole. The video has over six million views, and a majority of the comments are about Joshua’s unintentionally amazing goof.

K-Pop isn’t always serious, and we love to see little moments like this that the idols and their fans alike can laugh at for years to come after!


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