Former Olympian Gymnast Makes A Surprise Pregnancy Announcement During An Interview

People are still getting used to her being married.

Former Olympic gymnast Son Yeon Jae, widely loved by the public and nicknamed the “gymnast fairy,” made a surprise announcement during an interview.

Son Yeon Jae | @yeonjae_son/Instagram

On August 20, JTBC Newsroom reported an interview with Son Yeon Jae. JTBC’s announcer Kang Ji Young and the former rhythmic gymnast talked about the young athlete’s journey from being an active athlete to becoming a teacher for young gymnasts.

The JTBC announcer (left) and Son Yeon Jae (right) | JTBC

Son Yeon Jae began rhythmic gymnastics at the age of five and retired seven years ago. She is currently coaching younger gymnasts and having fun bonding with her students.

She believed getting children introduced to the sport is more efficient in building up good athletes than training elite athletes. She shared how she is having fun training her young students.

More than coaching elite athletes, I think it’s important for rhythmic gymnastics to become more popular among the general public. I believe better athletes will come out from exposing children to the sport and making them familiar to it. As I’m teaching kids who are new to rhythmic gymnastics, I’ve learned a lot about children, and now I’m having fun being a friendly and comfortable teacher to them.

— Son Yeon Jae

Son Yeon Jae with her students | @yeonjae_son/Instagram

During the interview, the announcer mentioned the charity work the gymnast had done consistently.

You have consistently made donations since your athlete days, but recently, you donated to a children’s hospital. I heard there was a special reason behind this.

— The announcer

Son Yeon Jae responded with the news that she is currently pregnant.

Now that I’m teaching students, I became more interested. And because I became pregnant, I became more interested and thought it would be a more meaningful act. I plan to continue doing this in the future.

— Son Yeon Jae


When the announcer excitedly congratulated her, Son Yeon Jae expressed her gratitude.

Thank you. Many people were already surprised that I got married, so I wondered if they would get even more surprised. But I’m having happier times than ever before. I also want to do more meaningful acts in the future.

— Son Yeon Jae

| GQ Korea

When asked if she would recommend her daughter to pursue rhythmic gymnastics, she replied that she wouldn’t want her to.

The process to become good at it would be difficult, and since it’s something I would experience once again, I wouldn’t really want to recommend it. But if she really wants to do it, then I guess I can’t help it.

— Son Yeon Jae

Son Yeon Jae competing in 2015 | KNC News

Son Yeon Jae was the 2014 Asian Games All-around Champion and the 2010 Asian Games All-around bronze medalist. She was the first and only South Korean individual rhythmic gymnast to win a medal at the World Championships and the Asian Games.

Last year in August, she married a businessman who works in the finance industry named Lee Jun Hyo.

Source: JTBC News
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