Pissed-Off Dad Offers A Bounty To Catch His Daughter’s Attackers

Here’s what happened.

Hell hath no fury like a father whose daughter was scorned. This was the case of a Chinese dad who went viral for his reaction after finding out his daughter was attacked.

Earlier this month, 45-year old Sun Heli from Hunan, China, pleaded with netizens to help find the three girls who beat up his daughter. He offered a 10,000 Yuan ($1,400 USD) bounty on their heads after police failed to track them down.

The daughter was violently attacked by three unknown young girls in the basement of a shopping mall for 20 minutes. After the girls surrounded her, they punched, kicked, and slapped her while one of them held her down by the neck. She sustained injuries to her ears, lips, cheeks and eyes.

There was no clear motive behind this attack. Sun’s daughter shared that she did not know the girls. They had asked for her name from their schoolmates and beat her up simply because they did not like her.

We don’t like you, so we came to beat you.

— Assailant

Sun sought for help online, asking netizens to track down the assailants so justice could be served.

I want to know why they beat my daughter so badly, and I also want them to apologies. They should bear legal responsibility.

— Sun Heli

Source: SCMP

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