K-Pop Girl Group Clarifies Aspects About Idol Life That Confuse New Fans

It’s surprising to some.

There are some questions about the lives of K-Pop idols that many new fans find confusing. In an interview with YouTube channel Rice Squad, girl group PURPLE KISS was asked to explain norms about the K-Pop industry that some do not understand.

Check out some of their answers below.

1. Why do K-Pop idols live in dorms?

First up, K-Pop idols are unique in terms of their living conditions. Unlike pop stars in other countries, singers here live in designated dorms which they go back to after each schedule.

It may seem like an invasion of privacy to some, but according to member Chaerin, it is worth it as it helps ensure “good teamwork.” Ireh added that it is “more efficient” for everyone involved.

Because we’re always active together, it’s more efficient. It’s easier to go out together, to go home together.

— Ireh

2. How do K-Pop idols choose their rooms?

As a follow-up question, they were asked, “When you guys are living in the dorms, how do you guys choose who’s going to be roommates with who?”

The members confirmed that the person they’re paired up with is often based on simple games such as rock, paper, scissors.

Scissors, Paper, Rock. Simple.

— Purple Kiss

3. Why do K-Pop idols dye their hair?

Finally, they were asked why K-Pop idols often dye their hair. After all, they naturally sport dark hair but switch to colorful blondes, pinks, purples, and more after their debut.

Member Dosie shared her experience when answering the question. Companies make sure the appearances of the idols match the concepts they are going for.

Actually, during the Zombie era, I dyed my hair into half and half colors [to look like a zombie]. [It’s] to make the concept come alive. That’s why K-Pop idols do a variety of hair styles.

— Dosie

To learn more about the lives of K-Pop girl groups, read on below.

The Secret To Getting Flawless Skin Like K-Pop Idols, According To A K-Pop Girl Group

Source: YouTube
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