Who’s Right? Hot Debate On Splitting Bills With Non-Drinkers Stirs South Korea

Here’s what both sides are saying.

A new hot debate is stirring up South Korea. Netizens are divided when it comes to the topic of splitting bills, particularly when not everyone is drinking alcohol during the meet-up.

There is a high social pressure for non-drinkers to contribute the same amount as the ones who ordered drinks. With the prices of soju and beer costing upwards of ₩6,000 KRW (about $4.45 USD) to ₩10,000 KRW (about $7.42 USD), this is a relevant issue to many.

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1. Splitting the Bill

To begin, a large number of people were of the opinion that the entire group should split the bill no matter who ordered what. On the site Blind where netizens can submit comments anonymously, many stated that it was only fair to pay equally.

Their main point was that drinking is natural and expected in these kinds of parties. Those who are not willing to pay should not bother coming in the first place, they said.

If you don’t drink and are unwilling to chip in, simply don’t attend the drinks party.

Anonymous Netizen

Another commenter brought up the fact that finances should not come into the picture when it comes to meeting friends as doing so can sour their relationship.

To a certain extent, meticulously calculating the costs of food and drinks may seem overly business-like. For me, it’s crucial not to jeopardize friendships over such matters, as long as everyone remains considerate and thoughtful.

 Anonymous Netizen

| The Telegraph

2. Individual Payments

On the other hand, there are a number of netizens who are passionate about their stance on splitting the bill based on individual orders. One Blind user pointed out that dividing the cost of drinks is not an easy matter considering their prices.

Non-drinkers end up shouldering ₩5,000 KRW (about $3.71 USD) to ₩20,000 KRW (about $14.80 USD) per drinking session. Though this is not a substantial amount to many, they pointed out that “it can accumulate over time.”

Moreover, there are times when parties order more expensive alcohol bottles. According to office worker Park Min Young, this can be too heavy on most people’s wages.

Paying a share for a few bottles of soju and beer is acceptable. However, when it comes to high-caliber whisky or wine, it may feel unfair for water drinkers to be burdened with the same financial responsibility.

I make it a point that when dividing the bill among friends, I separate the costs of food and alcohol so that non-drinkers can only pay for the meal.

— Park Min Young, Office Worker

| Reuters

An increasing number of young employees are opting out of social gatherings for this reason. One Seoul resident explained, “I’d rather head home early after dinner. than spend more money going to a bar afterwards. If I truly want to catch up with friends, however, I choose to order non-alcoholic beverages at a pub or suggest going to a cafe for coffee.”

What are your thoughts on this matter?

Source: Korea Herald
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