Fact Check: Did ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Experience A Dangerous Crowd Crush In Brazil?

The situation was scary regardless.

ASTRO‘s Cha Eunwoo is currently on his Just One 10 Minute: Mystery Elevator solo world tour and has announced events in several countries, including Brazil.

ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo | @CHAEUNWOO_offcl/X
| @CHAEUNWOO_offcl/X

On May 22, an account shared a video that implied Cha Eunwoo was the subject of the video and showed an intense mobbing situation in Brazil. The person in pink is indicated to be Cha Eunwoo, and he is shown getting pushed and tugged around by the crowd.

I feel like I’ll have a panic attack just watching this. Brazil is so scary. Eunwoo, stay safe!


At one point, Eunwoo hides inside a restaurant to avoid the mobbing crowds.

Naturally, many expressed concern for Eunwoo over the video, and hoped his safety was not compromised.

  • “F*ck, Cha Eunwoo is really going through it.”
  • “At this point, I think it’d be better not to go due to safety risks.”
  • “Wow, this is way serious… So many people showed up. It seems like there’s a high risk for both celebrities and other people getting hurt.”

However, is this the truth of this situation?

Brazilians are known for their passion for the things they enjoy, and this extends to celebrities. Rarely will you see a post made by a celebrity that does not have at least one mention of the country in the replies.

This passion, not just from those in Brazil, can manifest in some dangerous situations for celebrities, as seen in the numerous mobbing situations K-celebs have experienced around the world.

However, in this instance, this was not the case for Eunwoo.

As it turns out, the video is actually from a view weeks ago and is showing Spanish influencer Cry‘s (@cry_thereal) arrival at a mall in Peru related to his collaboration with Vans.

Cry | @vans_mx/Instagram


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Thankfully, Cry was OK after the mobbing situation and hopefully, Eunwoo will not experience a similar instance!

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