Netizens Are Bewildered By The Target Weight For K-Pop Trainees

“There’s no way…”

Netizens have expressed their disbelief through a viral post about the target weight for K-Pop trainees.


Post by @qzvi1994
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The post includes a screenshot of a show with the words, “height in cm – 120 = target weight.” The original poster wrote,

The standard weight for trainees in Korea: height – 120????? I haven’t been 33kg since graduating from middle school 🚬

– Original poster

Although the show was from a few years ago, the new post went viral, with thousands of netizens interacting with it. Many of them shared the same sentiments as the original poster.

Weight 1

  • “F*ck, 50kg?? I can’t.”
  • “For me, it’s 147 – 120 = 27kg??”
  • “29kg is the weight of an elementary school student, right? I’m going to cry.”
  • “I’m 150cm. If I only weigh 30kg, would I get blown away?”
  • “175 – 120 = 55kg. F*ck, there’s no way. Too small.”

In the end, the original poster concluded,

Whatever. I don’t have plans to be an idol anyway. I’ll just be fat.

– Original poster


Post by @qzvi1994
View on Threads


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