Fan Under Fire For Bragging About Selfie With Byun Woo Seok After Invading His Privacy

She trespassed into his agency.

A fan has recently come under fire for bragging about a selfie taken with Byun Woo Seok. While that in itself is not a problem, it was how the fan obtained the selfie that brought about sharp criticism. The fan had allegedly gone to his agency and taken videos of the inside of the office. While it was not explained how the fan was not stopped by security, she later bumped into Byun Woo Seok who had asked her to delete the videos of the office in exchange for a selfie. The fan later proudly uploaded the incident to her Instagram, inviting the criticism of the public.

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The incident was reposted onto Threads.

Sure, we can excuse you waiting around outside his agency… But why did you go inside and take videos of the office? LOL. And you said he took a selfie with you under the condition that you delete those videos… But you bragged about it on Instagram as if you ran into him by coincidence. Writing excuses in the comments… LOL. How impressive of you. I was watching this in real time, and you ended up turning your account private. Didn’t you say you were confident because you didn’t do anything wrong? Byun Woo Seok must’ve really gotten a reality check.

— Netizen

In the caption of the original selfie, the criticized fan had claimed to have “run into Byun Woo Seok by chance at Apgujeong.” Despite her claims, she had actually been waiting around his agency. The fan has since set her account to private to prevent more criticism.


Source: Threads
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