Famous Celebrity Couple Admits To Kissing Even After Divorce

People find their relationship to be unique.

Actress Ham So Won, who revealed that she still lives with her ex-husband Jin Hua even after the divorce, touched on the topic of possibly getting back together.


On September 21, she appeared on a talk show and stated that she had come to Korea from China to film.

On the show, the hosts asked if the divorce was official.

I’m officially divorced on paper.

— Ham So Won

Host Ahn Jung Hwan stated there could be a misunderstanding that the divorce is fake because they still live together.

스크린샷 2024-09-23 오후 6.57.11

We don’t have enough debt to justify a fake divorce.

— Ham So Won

She also emphasized that she doesn’t regret her decision.

I don’t regret the divorce. The fighting has lessened, and to me, divorce is a fight, and when we fought, the dad became a bad person. I didn’t want my daughter to have memories of her dad being a bad person.

— Ham So Won


In terms of getting back together, she responded, “I don’t think we will get back together. I’ve already experienced this situation through marriage.”


She also made a shocking comment regarding a question about her last kiss.

Since we wouldn’t see each other for a few days, I kissed him before coming to Korea.

— Ham So Won

Back in August, Ham So Won held a live broadcast and officially announced that she had divorced and that they are still living together.

Famous Celebrity Couple Announces Divorce On Live Broadcast

Ham So Won is a popular actress who later went to China to continue her career. She gained attention for her young Chinese husband, Jin Hua and their big age gap of 18 years.

Source: insight
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