How Actor Jung Hae In’s Most Popular K-Drama Actually Made Him Live In Hiding

The 2018 K-Drama dubbed him the “perfect boyfriend material.”

In the latest episode of You Quiz On The Block, actor Jung Hae In talked about the time right after his most popular JTBC K-Drama airedwhen the world doted on him as the “perfect boyfriend material,” but all he wanted was to hide from the attention.

Actor Jung Hae In | @holyhaein/Instagram

Jung Hae In debuted in 2013 with K-Pop group AOA‘s music video, but his true rise to fame came in 2018 when he took on the role of Son Ye Jin‘s young boyfriend in Something In The Rain. Dubbed the nation’s “yeonhanam” (연하남, younger boyfriend), Jung found himself sweeping awards and signing endorsement after endorsement.

But with that “syndrome” of recognition, as comedian and show host Yoo Jae Suk explained, Jung also found his physical and mental health at risk.

While Jung was not a rookie when Something In The Rain aired, it was the first time he had all the spotlight on him. Despite the rise to fame being any celebrity’s dream come true, he recalled he “wasn’t all that happy” at the time.

I think it had a lot to do with how physically exhausted I was. I was not prepared, but I was pushing myself really hard. So, eventually, it took a toll on me. I couldn’t sleep well. I struggled with terrible insomnia, and… Yeah, back then, I wasn’t all that happy, to be honest.

I had no experience receiving so much love and attention at once. In a sense, I needed time to adjust and learn how to stay strong amid all of what was happening.

— Jung Hae In

He also pointed out that, as someone “just starting to adult” in his early 30s, he didn’t know how to deal with the unwarranted hate and groundlessly malicious comments.

I was 31 and, let’s be real, I was still young and just starting to figure things out as an adult. And I let malicious comments affect me a lot. I thought that’s what the world thought about me. So, I started fearing the camera and the public opinion when, given my job, that’s what I had to do. I had moments when I wondered about my existence at all… Like, ‘What am I doing? Why am I here?’ And for a long time, I stayed home. I lived in hiding. I had something like a panic disorder… I was scared of meeting people.

— Jung Hae In

Fast forward to 2024, Jung is now certainly better and stronger. He has since learned to accept that he cannot please everyone—and so, he has decided to focus more on the people who do support him!

Back then, I read all the malicious comments about me. I would wonder, ‘Why are these people doing this to me?’ But now, I know. I know for sure that there are people who love and support me. I also know there are people who don’t care about me, and even people who hate me. I realized that over time. Back then, I wanted to know why the haters hated me… But I don’t think they have any real reasons. Or maybe they do, but there’s nothing I can do about it. So, I’ve moved on from wanting to be loved by everyone all the time. I recognized that it’s impossible to do so. Now, I focus on being the best version of my self for the people who love and support me.

— Jung Hae In

Watch the full clip below.

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