Runner Gets Period Mid-Race — Doesn’t Let Bleeding Stop Her

She let nothing get in her way!

A variety of issues can sometimes hinder athletes’ performance. Injuries are usually the most common, but for athletes who have a menstrual cycle, this can be an unexpected obstacle that surfaces at any time.

During the 2024 Paris Olympics, one swimmer gained attention for competing — and winning — while on her period and sick.

Medal-Winning Olympian Confesses To Being Sick, On Her Period During Final Race

Now, another athlete has become a hot topic for her will to finish her race.

On September 24, the 2024 Hengshui Lake Marathon took place with over 20,000 participants from 26 countries and regions.


One competitor was 25-year-old Li Meizhen, a competitive runner of around ten years. Things were going as planned for the runner when an unforeseen issue arose more than halfway into the race.

Li Meizhen | Baidu

The runner’s period seemed to start at that point, as videos show blood appearing on her thighs.


However, this did not stop her from completing the race, which she did in 2 hours and 35 minutes. She later said that because she had already made it so far into the race and would have had to do another from scratch, was why she was so determined to finish.

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“Thank you to everyone who gave me encouragement and support. Honestly, sometimes I’m afraid that netizens would say I’m crazy and question why I didn’t withdraw from the race after what happened! But when it happened, it was after 34km, so it would be a pity to withdraw. Plus, it was a tournament. This year, we have missions to complete – we must complete two full marathons. If I withdrew, I’d have to complete another full marathon. That’s why I thought I had to finish the race even if the result wasn’t good. Thank you for everyone’s concern; everything’s okay with me.”

— Li Meizhen

Talk about a bad*ss!

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