3rd-Gen K-Pop Idol Calls Her Past Songs “Questionable”

In an exclusive interview with ZULA, former CLC member Sorn opened up about her musical journey from moving from Thailand to Korea to debut in the K-Pop group to moving to Singapore and going solo.
Sorn was asked, “During that time, was there like any CLC songs that you did that you didn’t really like? Or are the songs like up your alley?” Sorn confessed, “There’s definitely a lot!”

Sorn gave some examples of the more “questionable” concepts she did not like. For instance, she mentioned the group’s Japanese single.
I think the first 2 – 3 years, 2 years, the first 2 years, we were given songs that are very…questionable, I would say. Because me and the girls, we were trained to do a lot of ‘girl crush’ concepts, and then it kinda of went really ‘cute’ at one point. We had this phase where we were cheerleaders. Our Japanese single was a cheerleading single.
— Sorn
Sorn emphasized that she enjoyed every comeback and era. However, she explained that what she found “weird” was switching between “cute” concepts, which would require young aesthetics like school uniforms, and the “girl crush” concept that CLC is usually associated with.
I mean, I enjoyed every single comeback and every single era we had but the weird part was we were going back and forth between it. I was wearing school uniforms and then all of a sudden, we changed into this like ‘girl crush’ concept that CLC is known for now.
— Sorn
There are definitely things Sorn wished were not captured and spread on the Internet. Yet, they are there for everyone to see.
I wish it’s not on the Internet; it’s so on the Internet. Just Google it, it’s just there and our fans know that too.
— Sorn

Watch the full interview below.