Insiders Report Gary and Gill Are Getting Ready To Disband
Leessang Company, owned by Leessang’s Gil and Gary, are currently in the process of closing their business, and have already enlisted their building up for sale.
January 13, according to an insider in the industry, Leessang Company’s employees have not been working since last year, and the company’s building is currently on the market priced at 9 billion won since January 11.
Five years after Leessang Company was established, Gary and Gil decided to establish their own solo labels, Magic Mansion and Yangbans Nation respectively.
They announced they had established these solo labels to train juniors as well as make solo songs; however, insiders believe the establishment of these labels represented their desire to find their own paths.
We are sad to see Leessang Company close, and hope for the best for Gary and Gil.
Source: Star Today