Spotted! Top 10 K-celebrity styles for October: Week 3
Amidst celebrating the arrival of the popular floating duck, celebrities haven’t forgotten to keep their style in check for the fall season. Scroll down our list of the Top Ten Best Styles of Korean celebrities for this week!
*T-ARA Eunjung
걷다가 수익금을 좋은곳에 쓴다는 재활용 장터에서 구매한 예쁜 니트. 가격도 좋고 소재도 좋고 기분도 좋고!! 추워진 날씨 따뜻하게 보내기이…!!* #가을기분 #벼룩시장 #득템 #감사함 #신남
Super Junior-M Henry
#台灣 各位朋友們。。。#亨利回來了!哈哈哈哈 #henry #taiwan #airport #헨리 View on Instagram
Jay Park
This is how i am to my haters #smilinglikeawinner #aomg #followthemovement
*miss A Jia
2NE1 Minzy
Min Hyorin
읽어들이는 중
Seo In Young
BESTie Hyeyeon