Korean Student’s Face Smashed By Racists In England For “Being Asian”
A Korean student in Brighton, England was brutally assaulted by racist attackers.
Yehsung Kim and his friends were walking home at night when two English men started provoking him on the streets.
They initially threw wine bottles over Yehsung’s head to instigate a fight.
He was attacked solely because he was Asian.
“He asked why they were throwing wine at him and they responded, ‘Why? Because you’re f*cking Asian.'”
— Yehsung’s Friend, Witness
Yehsung tried to avoid the situation and walk away, but the attackers then began to making racially offensive gestures.
“[Yehsung] tried to avoid them, but they kept blocking our path by making racial insults, slitting their eyes, and even making monkey faces while pulling on their ears.”
— Yehsung’s Friend, Witness
Eventually, the argument escalated and one of the attackers violently smashed Yehsung’s face with a champagne bottle.
His face was severely injured in the attack, which left 10 of his teeth loose, and one tooth completely destroyed down the the nerves. The female friend beside him was so shocked and afraid she couldn’t move.
Yehsung and his friends reported the attack to the police and the South Korean embassy.
As they wait for justice to be served, a crowdfunding has started to help raise 1,000 Euro ($1,320 USD) for Yehsung’s dental treatments.
His friends ask for help in raising awareness about the violent attack so that the criminals can be stopped and for no one to suffer the same horrendous experience.
Watch the full video of the racial assault below.
추가글: 저기 제 후배 옆에 있는 친구가 오해를 사는 것 같습니다. 저 친구는 이 일과는 아무런 연관이 없습니다. 오히려 옆에 있어주는 건데 이런일이 처음이라 겁이 너무나서 발이 떨어지지 않았다고 합니다. Addition: Lady on the right side of my friend has nothing to do with this accident. She just go too scared of the situation and could not do anything for him because she has never had a experience of this kind of incident before.이거 다 공유해주세요. 너무 분해서 올립니다. 지금 제 후배가 영국 브라이튼에서 먼저 시비를 당하고 결국엔 동영상에 나온것과 같이 샴페인병으로 입을 가격 당하여, 현재 이빨 1개 부러지고, 10개가 흔들리며, 부러진 이빨은 신경이 보일 정도로 다쳐, 현재 신경치료를 받으러 런던까지 가야하는 상황입니다. 상황은 이 친구가 집을 가는길에 갑자기 누군가 자기 머리 뒤로 와인병을 던져서 왜 던졌냐고 물어봤더니 "너가 아시안이니까 던졌다 왜" 라고 대답 했다고 합니다. 그 이후, 갑자기 그 친구가 집을 가려던 길을 막고 일대일로 싸우자고 계속 도발을 했다고 합니다. 이 친구는 이 상황을 계속 피하려고 했지만 계속되는 인종차별적 폭언, 눈을 찢는 행위, 그리고 귀를 잡아당기면서 원숭이를 묘사하는 듯한 행동을 하며 길을 막아 섰습니다. 상황이 일어난 뒤, 3명의 영국인은 곧장 도주하였고, 현재 경찰서 및 대사관에 연락을 취한 상태입니다. 많이 공유해서 빨리 범인잡게 도와주세요 !! (영국인들 공유좀 많이 해주세요)https://www.facebook.com/minsu.jo.315/posts/1709655355725921?pnref=story-> help raise £1000 to my friend of racist attack in Brighton – Dentist FeesPlease everybody share this to all of your acquaintances. My friend just got unexpected racial attack by a english man in Brighton. As you can see from the video, his face got beat with a champaign bottle, so one of his teeth was broken, 10 of them are shaking, and the one that was broken is prescribed to be requiring killing nerve of teeth. The situation started with the attacker throwing a bottle of wine behind my friend. My friend asked him why he has thrown the bottle him and then he answered "Because you are xxcking asian.". After that, even though my friend tried to ignore and go back home, he kept making racial face, gestures, and saying racial words. After he got beat by the attacker, all 3 of them ran right away. For now, We have contacted the police and South Korea Embassy. I'm repeating this again cuz I'm really angry and frustrated about this situation. Please share this post a lot so we can catch the attacker as soon as possible!! (Especially, English help us a lot.)
Posted by Minsu Jo on Tuesday, October 17, 2017