Koreans Can’t Decide Who’s Prettier, Suzy or Sulli

Sulli and Suzy are rivals when it comes to beauty.

A community post asked Korean netizens to vote who was prettier: Sulli or Suzy.

“They are both the visual tops among girl groups. Who do you think is prettier? They are both ’94-liners and are both tall. Sulli is 170 cm and Suzy is 168 cm tall. Judge only on faces, not personality or talent.” — Original Poster


Both girls have been know as the top visuals among girls groups, since Suzy debuted with Miss A in 2010…


…And Sulli with f(x) in 2009.


They graduated at the same time and were in the same class at the School of Performing Arts Seoul (SOPA).


Suzy is known as the “nation’s first love” thanks to her innocent and beautiful appearance.


But for some netizens Sulli’s “princess” like features more than rival Suzy’s.


The two developed their own looks around the same time, and both came into their beauty while members of popular idol groups. Not only that, they were often seen wearing the same outfits.


However, according to the Pann Nate post, Suzy is the prettier idol, winning out to Sulli in votes… but not by much.

  • “Sulli… She looks like a princess…”
  • “For me, Suzy.”
  • “Even though Suzy and Sulli used to be rivals in terms of visuals, it has always been Suzy for me.”
  • “To be honest, Sulli… she’s pretty even when she doesn’t manage herself.”
  • “That’s a picture of Suzy and Sulli together during their high school but Sulli is way prettier.”
  • “When it comes to visuals, gotta give it to Sulli.”
  • “Sulli. I know she’s gorgeous but it comes off in an unconventional sort of way for me that makes her stand out.”
  • “Both are incredibly beautiful but it’s Suzy for me.”
  • “Suzy without hesitation.”
  • “It’s personal preference… but Suzy is pretty in any style.”
  • “Sulli has such a unique, striking beauty. It’s so casual, even without makeup she’s gorgeous.”
  • So random… Suzy of course!”
  • “I honestly can’t choose they’re both equally gorgeous.”


While the debate is still going strong, there is no denying they’re both incredible visuals!

Source: Pann Nate
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