These Two Idols Tried The K-Pop Emoji Guessing Game And Things Went Hilariously Downhill Very Fast

They did well the first round, but the second round…

N.Flying‘s Jaehyun and Chahun are bonafied YouTubers with their channel 2 Idiots where they do challenges and every kind of random content fans could want.

Caption: “All is well! Hello we are <2 Idiots>”

In their latest video they tried out the infamous K-Pop Emoji Guessing Games and at first they seemed to be good hoobaes who were knowledgable about their sunbaes. They even stated a few times that the quiz was too easy.

But as the hints got harder, their success rate went down, and all that confidence went right out the window.

Some might think they had a leg up on the competition because they’re idols themselves, but even these idols were almost no match for the intensity of some of the emoji hints. The hint for Red Velvet’s “Red Flavor” sent them into full mental breakdown status.

Things got so bad they felt the need to apologize to the other idol groups for getting wrong answers.

Caption: “We hope you don’t see this video~♥︎”

The whole video is a fun ride and a visual representation of that feeling you get when you should know something, but you don’t until it’s too late. Watch the 2 Idiots struggle to beat the K-Pop Emoji Guessing Games below:


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