Here’s The Reason That Dreamcatcher Poster Isn’t As Bad As It Seems
InSomnia everywhere were angry and demanded #JusticeforDreamcatcher due to a miscalculation on THE SHOW. Some fans were left with an even worse taste in their mouth after seeing the edit of the group uploaded to the program’s official Twitter account.
이 세 분 성대에 입주를 하고 싶은데 주택청약 좀 들 수 있을까 해서요. 1순위 조건이 드캐 향한 마음 꾸준하게 저축하기라고 들었는데 그거는 걱정 하덜 마시고 매달 1일 드캐 사랑하는 마음 자동이체 신청도 부탁드려요😉#드림캐쳐_시연_한동_가현 #모든_날_모든_순간 #THESHOW @hf_dreamcatcher
— THE SHOW (@sbsmtvtheshow) October 1, 2019
A quick glance at the printed version was no better and drew the ire of mainly international inSomnia who truly felt as though THE SHOW was doing the girls dirty.
The poster, which was a retro-esque promo for Dreamcatcher, featured incredibly complimentary text, which described the girls’ voices as heavenly.
Three heavenly voices to heal those who are exhausted from daily life…
—THE SHOW poster
Each member also had their own slogan, with Siyeon‘s reading “voice powerful enough to reach outer space”, Handong‘s said “voice sweetly tickling your eardrums”, and as for Gahyeon, her slogan was, “Melancholy voice to make you cry”.
Although it’s undeniable the Photoshop job on the poster is shoddy, it was never intended to be disrespectful of the girls, but rather to poke fun at retro Korean posters from the ’70s and ’80s. A quick search for 복고 포스터 (retro poster) on any search engine turns up thousands of equally cheesy and shoddily designed posters which look like they were designed for a college student’s art project.
It’s easy to understand why international inSomnia, who might not have been aware of Korea’s history of cheesy posters, were upset with the editing, especially in consideration of the fact that the original images looked like this:
Hopefully, inSomnia can now rest easy knowing that their favorite girls weren’t deliberately wronged—at least not in regard to the shoddy poster.