SEVENTEEN’s innocent dance battle suddenly becomes a martial arts show
Rookie male group SEVENTEEN recently held an exciting dance battle for their show SEVENTEEN Project and had the audience laughing at their antics.
Split into four teams, SEVENTEEN began their battle with Dino from Team B showing off his skills as an energetic dancer, his charisma making fangirls fall in love with him all over again.
Next up is Team C’s Jun..well, supposed to be! Dokyeom (DK) decides he’s going in next!!…but apparently he’s no good so everyone pushes him out of the circle ㅋㅋㅋ
Jun REALLY comes in this time..but comes in with some martial arts moves instead.
Team D’s THE8 wows everyone with his amazing B-Boy skills.
But wait…he’s got some awesome martial arts moves too..!!
And that’s how it started…The SEVENTEEN Martial Arts Project ^_^ Watch it all below: