Here Are the Horrifically Gruesome Details of the Crimes “God God” Committed in the Nth Rooms

Moon Hyung Wook was the culprit that started it all.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of sexual assault that may disturb some readers.

It’s been recently revealed that the culprit who created the Telegram Nth Rooms, where underage girls were sexually assaulted and tortured, is a 24-year-old man named Moon Hyung Wook, also known as “God God” in the chatrooms.

In light of the recent arrest of Moon Hyung Wook, the horrific details of what Moon Hyung Wook did in the Nth Rooms resurfaced.

In an episode of SBS’s Curious Stories Y, the reasons why Moon Hyung Wook needed to be punished severely were revealed.

According to a man, Mr. A, who confessed to having been just a spectator in the Nth Rooms to becoming an administrator, later on, Moon Hyung Wook was the culprit who created the Nth Rooms, to begin with.


And he revealed that the videos shared by Moon Hyung Wook were shocking, to say the least.

They were not the usual pornographic videos. It was inhumane. He made the girls cut themselves, bleed, and eat feces, and two of the victims were raped.

– Mr. A

After creating the videos, Moon Hyung Wook posted links in various online communities to gather customers, and the customers had to pay to enter the various Nth Rooms. The more videos they wanted to watch, the more they had to pay.


Of the videos that Moon Hyung Wook filmed, the identities of around 40 women have been confirmed.

But last September, Moon Hyung Wook left the Nth Rooms. According to an informant, Moon Hyung Wook mentioned that he had to get ready for the college entrance exam, which suggested he was in his last year of high school at the time.

However, this turned out to be false. After an extensive investigation by the police, Moon Hyung Wook confessed to being “God God” in the Nth Rooms, and he is expected to receive strong sentencing.

Prior to the reveal of Moon Hyung Wook’s identities, that of Cho Joo Bin, Kang Hoon, and Lee Won Ho has also been revealed.

Source: Dispatch

Nth Room Sex Abuse Case

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