10 Idols That Will Blow Your Mind With Their Hidden Artistic Talent

While idols are talented singers and dancers, some of them have talents beyond what their profession requires. These 10 Idols surprised the nation with their hidden talent.

1. Yura (Girl’s Day)
Girl’s Day Yura has shown her talent in drawin in multiple variety shows. She usually prefers to sketch and shade her pictures with pencil and charcoal

Before she debuted, she studied art dreaming of becoming a painter but she realized that her passion for singing was bigger and decided to change paths.


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2. Taeyeon (SNSD)
Taeyeon’s fans all know that Taeyeon is very talented in painting/drawing. She’s shared pictures of her work on her Instagram on multiple occasions


Her paintings appear abstract and dreamy most of the time..It’s amazing that she’s never properly learned to draw O_O

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3. Naeun (APINK)
Naeun said in an interview once that she used to participate in many art competitions and win first place in some of them. She was even picked as the top 20 art student in the Gangnam area.


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4. Mino (WINNER)
Mino has never properly studied art but I guess for some people artistic talent is in their blood.


If I hadn’t known I would have thought these were drawn by professional artists O_O

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5. Key (SHINee)
Not only is Key a talented artist like others on this list, he’s even had his own exhibit.!

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key exhibit


6. Cap (TEEN TOP)

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Teen Top’s Cap is well known for his love of tattoos and it seems that his artistic creations are very much influenced by this well that and …fish..

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7. Ken (VIXX)
Ken’s drawings in comparison with the other idols on this list seem rather simple and cartoony.


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But don’t let that fool you! He’s just as capable of doing intricate paintings

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