KARA’s Park Gyuri shares her past struggle to diet on OnStyle’s “Get It Beauty”

KARA‘s Park Gyuri talks about her past struggles to diet successfully on the October 22nd episode of OnStyle‘s Get It Beauty, where she was a featured guest on the “Talking Mirror” segment. Here, Gyuri shares some of her beauty tips to viewers.

She discusses her struggles to succeed on diets as a girl group member, especially the costume she had to wear during “Mamma Mia”. It was too tight and Gyuri had to constantly watch what she ate. Gyuri mentioned,  “I have tried starving, one meal per day, protein diet, Denmark diet, and many more different kinds of diets before.” She has recently lost 6kg with her strong determination to lose weight for KARA’s comeback album. This time, Gyuri tried the so-called “dwikang diet” to succeed.

Gyuri will also share her knowledge in maintaining moisturized and healthy-looking skin during dry autumn and winter seasons.

Don’t miss Get It Beauty‘s episode to catch all the details on Gyuri’s beauty tips!

Source: Newsen

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