Netizens discuss 8 types of food to avoid on the first date

Netizens discuss eight types of ‘must-avoid’ food on the first date and the reasons why.

Originally posted on Instiz, netizens discuss types of food people should avoid on the first date and the reasons why.

Titled “8 Must Avoid Foods On The First Date,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.


1. Chocolate chip drinks 

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“Any chocolate drinks are dangerous even the ones that are blended with ice.”

“If you drink it carelessly, chocolate chips will host a party between your teeth. And you will be left with an amazing(?) look.


2. Chicken with green onions

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“Chicken with green onion is fantastic especially because green onion covers the greasiness of chicken.”

“But after eating this, your breath will smell despite brushing your teeth right away.”


3. Hamburger

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“If the hamburger isn’t the thin type, it should be avoided”

“Every time you take a bite, you must open your mouth wide as you can. Also, materials inside the burger keeps falling out”


4. Sesame noodles 

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“Let’s postpone eating sesame noodles for a while if you don’t want to ruin your relationship with your date.”

“It is sure tasty but sesame seeds will get in between your teeth”


5. Spicy tteokbokki

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“You might sweat a little while eating spicy food like this. Also you might get heartburn or a stomach ache that can ruin your date.”

“Also, the pepper powders might get in between your teeth.”


6. Jjajangmyeon or Black Bean Paste Noodles (Korean Chinese cuisine noodle dish)

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“If you eat this carelessly, the sauce will get all over your mouth. The sauce will not go away with a tissue”

“And also, if you can’t cut the noodles properly while eating, it might be a little awkward.”


7. Ribs

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“All foods that come with bones are dangerous because you might eventually have to take some bones out of your mouth to prevent eating them.”

“But some of the food with bones come out so that you can easily use utensils to eat them”


8. Kiwi juice 

Source: Instiz
Source: Instiz

“Kiwi juice is sweet but if the seeds get in between your teeth, it isn’t so sweet.”

“You have to careful where those seeds might end up while eating them!



“Ah man… all of the foods that I like hahahahahahahahhaha”

“My boyfriend took me somewhere else when we were planning to go eat burgers but I didn’t know what it meant haha”


Source: InstizComments: Instiz

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