Pole Dancer Claims Two Members Of The Same Idol Group Pursued Her, Leading To Cheating Allegations, Fandom Chaos, And More

It’s a huge mess.

A fandom is in chaos after it was alleged that one of the members’ girlfriend had posted some questionable Instagram stories about her relationship status in the past.

Little is known about the girl except that she goes by the name Christy and is a pole dancer.

She’s been in a relationship with Hong Kong top boy group MIRROR member Frankie, who hinted at the relationship at the end of 2023 through an Instagram story.

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Photo showing Frankie doing a finger heart with his girlfriend | @frankie729/Instagram

Frankie had previously been in a 13-year relationship, but the pair broke up mid-2022. The relationship was known to the public since his debut.

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Frankie and his ex-girlfriend | @frankie729/Instagram

When Frankie revealed his new relationship, Christy’s identity was kept hidden, and most fans wished them well. However, things got out of hand recently when Frankie posted photos taken by his girlfriend.


Post by @frankie729
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Taking lots of photos and videos while on a trip is a must. I feel happy when I go through them again when I have time.

– Frankie

One fan reposted the photos and praised Christy with good intentions.


Post by @l.mirror.f
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I’m too scared to quote the post directly, but I want to say that his girlfriend takes great photos. Finally, we have pictures to see. They all look great and without heavy filters. We want to see anything and everything! At least there are updates. It’s difficult to take good photos of daily life.

– Fan

Although the fan didn’t directly quote the original post, Christy ended up responding, in her first ever public post as “Frankie’s girlfriend.” Frankie also responded.


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Christy: “Thank you, Frankie fans, for the love. I’ll take more photos and fight for more benefits for you guys.”

Frankie: “You’ve been forced to come out of the shadows to say thank you; what a rare sight. I need to say thank you to you, too! The photos you take are pretty.”

– Comments from Christy and Frankie

However, this development seemed to have angered certain netizens, who decided to leak Christy’s past Instagram stories meant for close friends.


Post by @mir_ror11032018
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I want to be with him on the 25th, only because my boyfriend isn’t free that day. But I don’t want Frankie to think I’m some ignorant, immature girl. What should I do?

– Christy


Post by @alisaa_teaparty
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I still liked him in October but didn’t expect Frankie to appear so quickly. My personality of loving guys as they come has never changed.

– Christy


Post by @thisis_elle_
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“I just realized I’ve been the ‘third person’ for all of my relationships this year. WTF is wrong with me? I’m so tired. But I’m not ready to commit to a relationship. I know I’m a player, liking guys as they come. I prefer being a second lover to a sex partner, so I’ll expect him to put more effort into the relationship too. But a lot of the time, it’s disappointing, and then I’d feel unhappy. I feel like I’m the female lead of some melodrama. You know, I’m a Pisces haha.

My period came today, so I’m very emotional and got mad at the two of them. I wanted to cut them off before 2022, but they managed to win me back. F*ck, I’m rubbish. I just hope I’ll marry a rich guy in 2022.

I really like all three guys. Please don’t force me to choose. I didn’t force you guys to break things off with your girlfriend, either.”

– Christy

Based on the timeline and Christy’s words, fans believe Frankie cheated since he did not break things off with his ex-girlfriend until 2022. However, that’s not all. In conversations posted by Christy herself, it’s alleged that one of the other guys she was involved with is AK, Frankie’s groupmate in MIRROR.


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In an Instagram story, Christy posted a conversation between herself and AK, with the caption, “Frankie got mad at me because I kept mentioning AK. But AK keeps messaging me. Did Frankie get AK to test me? But I don’t think AK knows about my relationship with Frankie.

AK: “Happy new year. I wish you good health and that you’ll get even better at pole dancing. Have you been pole dancing for a long time?”

Christy: “More than three years. I’m training to become a teacher now.”

AK: “Amazing. A lot of my friends pole dance, too.”

Christy: “But I need to learn how to dance. I don’t have a dancing background, so it’s difficult to choreograph.”

AK: “I thought you had always danced.”

Christy: “Does your studio have classes for complete beginners? I couldn’t keep up with the class whenever I went. I felt like a failure every time.”

– Conversation between AK and Christy

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AK (left) and Frankie (right) | HKEJ

She also posted a conversation between herself and Frankie with the caption, “Please don’t give me such a difficult task on January 1.

Christy: “By the way, are you close with this person?”

Frankie: “Not really.”

Christy: “He always wants to talk. I don’t even want to click into the conversation. He’s been flirting with many girls just because he knows you guys. So annoying.”

Frankie: “I’m not close to him at all. If you keep mentioning another person to me, I’ll go crazy. I’d rather give up, even if I really like you.”

Frankie: “[Christy: ‘How come AK is messaging me?’] Stop bugging me, then. You’ve already made your choice.”

Christy: “Hey…”

Frankie: “You were the one who said you’d go to him if he looked for you. Why would I treat myself so poorly?”

Christy: “He’s not going to. We’re just talking casually. Also, he has a girl.”

– Conversation between Frankie and Christy

Unsurprisingly, the leaked Instagram stories drew huge reactions from netizens and fans.

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  • “I finally understand why Frankie’s fans are so mad after reading these posts. Don’t bring AK into this. Didn’t the girl just overthink too much?”

  • “Frankie, can you wake up? Why did you pick a b*tch out of all that you could pick from? How could you have a player as a girlfriend?”

  • “Throughout the conversation, [AK] only talked about dancing. How is that flirting? Has Mrs. Frankie never experienced flirting before?”

  • “Not the third person in a relationship, but a prostitute (free).”

  • “[Frankie] is not that popular. He can’t sing or dance well. Things improved for him after participating in dramas and a theatrical play, but with this, he’s pulling his members down with him. It would be best to self-reflect, just like [fellow member] Keung To. Stop harming your members. MIRROR just finished a world tour, and the most popular members basically hard-carried you. Stop harming them. Honestly, you’re not young and somewhat well-known, you don’t have to pick such a girl?! If you want to protect your career, pick someone else.”

Currently, none of the people directly involved in the matter have spoken up.

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