Heartbroken Singer Exposes Her Brother’s Role In Attempted Kidnapping, Scamming Fans, And More

She went into extensive detail about his behavior.

A heartbroken singer is going public with details about her brother to protect others from his predatory behavior. After many years of struggling, she and her family have decided to cut him out of their lives.

25-year-old Dior (also known as Da Ying) is a Malaysian singer-songwriter, who has attracted fans from around the world with her catchy songs and poignant lyrics. On October 5, Dior posted an alarming set of photos on Instagram, along with a lengthy explanation. In the first photo, her younger brother Chen An Sheng (also known as Ansenn Tan) is crying on his knees. Dior also included screenshots of her brother’s messages and Instagram account.

Dior began her post by directly calling Chen out. “Gambling, stealing, scamming others, borrowing money from loan sharks – you did it all,” she wrote. “The younger brother that I thought had turned over a new leaf – @ansenn_t. Don’t believe him if he wants to borrow money from you, no matter the reason. Don’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He’s gone off the deep end. It’s embarrassing and laughable to post this, but I don’t think we can let him continue harming others like this.”

Dior’s screenshot of her brother’s Instagram account.

Dior explained that she was exposing her brother’s history and behavior for everyone’s safety. His misdeeds, which were all tied to Chen’s ongoing gambling addiction, began when Dior was in her teens. Over the years, Chen repeatedly scammed his own friends and family by preying on their sympathy and abusing their trust in him.

I have the obligation to protect everyone’s safety. When borrowing money from others, he told everyone his younger sister needed to go to school but didn’t have the money for tuition. He told everyone we were in the hospital. He took advantage of my younger brother being in the hospital for surgery to borrow money from friends, saying he urgently needed to pay for my younger brother’s medical fees. He really has no conscience.

From when I was in my teens, he started gambling and owed thousands, then tens of thousands, and eventually hundreds of thousands of dollars. The amounts were astronomical. Every time, we believed it would be the last time. We gave him a chance again and again by paying off his gambling debts. He abused our trust and had no remorse at all.

— Dior

Dior recalled a particular incident that took place in the 2010s. After reaching out to others, who refused to lend him money, Chen begged Dior to help him.

Sometime in the 2010s, he had to leave the country due to his gambling debts. No one wanted to help him, so he reached out to me. I didn’t have any money at the time, but he called me crying and said he was highly desperate and begged me for help. I really trusted him at that moment. I truly, truly believed he would change. But I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t have money.

— Dior

Dior, who had no money to give, was so determined to help her brother that she was driven to gamble herself. After winning money, she arranged transportation and a new job for Chen, hoping that the change would end his gambling addiction and the accompanying behavior. Unfortunately, nothing changed.

I tried everything I could to get money, but in the end, I couldn’t get any, so I gambled as well, haha. I probably went crazy at that time, too. I gave him the money I had won, got my friend in Australia to help, bought him a plane ticket so he could escape to another country, and arranged a job for him. I thought he would get better once he left the country.

But it was the same situation back and forth so many times that I’ve lost count. In the past few years, he gambled off and on and owed money. It’s gone beyond what we can accept recently.

— Dior

If anything, Chen’s behavior began to escalate. He went from borrowing money from friends and family to scamming other people, pawning precious family heirlooms, stealing money from his girlfriend and her relatives, and borrowing money from loan sharks. According to Dior, Chen’s dealings with loan sharks led to her younger sister’s attempted kidnapping.

He started scamming others. He borrowed money from loan sharks, which led to my younger sister almost getting kidnapped in front of her school. He stole my dad’s and my older sister’s gold chains, pawned them, and gambled with the money. I still remember – I was filming a show with my dad when I heard this news. The show host asked my dad about his favorite gift from his children, and my dad said the gold chain he received for Father’s Day. That person pawned it the same day.

Haha, he stole money from everyone in the family, our relatives, and his girlfriend. He scammed countless people, having them invest in his so-called ‘durian business.’ He scammed his girlfriend’s brother and dad. He scammed my older sister’s employee’s mom. He scammed everyone close to us and also those who were not close. I still remember him stealing the only item my late mother left behind for me, worth about $200. He has even started targeting my followers lately.

— Dior

“There’s so, so much more,” Dior wrote next. “but I don’t know where to begin. He has really lost his humanity and has no remorse. I don’t know if he still has a conscience. You make us feel like it was a mistake to help you repay your debts at the start. There were so many times when we thought you turned over a new leaf. When no one believed you, I gave you all my money. But you deceived our entire family. You destroyed our family’s trust again and again. There’s no limit to how low you can go.”

Chen An Sheng

Once again, Dior directly addressed her brother, telling him that she doesn’t want their entire family to “live in fear” or worry about loan sharks coming to collect debts.

I don’t know why it has to come to this. I don’t want this person to scam everyone just because he knows you all trust me. I don’t want the entire family to bear the responsibility for all the bad things he did. I don’t want the entire family to live in fear, worrying whether he has done something wrong again and wondering when someone will cause trouble at my older sister’s shop or if the loan sharks will pay us a visit. I don’t want anyone to message me asking for money. I don’t want to think about whether someday, during some show, someone will show up to cause trouble. It’s so tiring. It’s really, really tiring, Chen An Sheng.

— Dior

Dior told her followers that her family has completely cut ties with Chen, and she advised anyone who has been scammed by him to file a police report. “Don’t trust anything he says,” she warned.

Our whole family and our uncles’ family will sever our ties with you. At this point, you need to bear all the responsibilities. Take care of yourself. I don’t mind feeling embarrassed; I’m more worried about our and everyone’s safety. For those who got scammed by him, I suggest reporting to the police to get him arrested. At least we would live a more comfortable life. Don’t trust anything he says.

— Dior

Dior ended her post with an apology to her followers. She told them that she is “heartbroken,” mentally exhausted,” and “numb” because of the grief her brother has caused, and she doesn’t want him to disrupt her life from now on.

I’m so sorry for causing you all trouble. I’m not that heartbroken now; perhaps I’ve become numb. I’ve been so busy and tired these days, but I still have to read a lot of gossip. I’m so tired. I’m exhausted. I don’t understand why you have to be so immature. We just want to live our lives comfortably, haha. I’m so mentally exhausted. I have shows to do these days; I hope no one consoles me. I don’t want this person to disturb my life anymore.
I might feel better after a night’s sleep. Thank you, everyone.

— Dior

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