Popular Idol-Actor Forcibly Blocked From Boarding His Plane

A popular idol-turned-actor who has repeatedly endured airport mobbings, once again experienced difficulties at an airport. This time, however, the chaos followed him all the way onto his flight.
Xiao Zhan is a Chinese actor and idol who entered the public eye as a member of the survival show group X NINE. As one of the current top idols in China, Xiao Zhan has attracted many devoted fans. Unfortunately, some of these fans have made traveling more challenging for him and his staff.

While it’s not uncommon for crowds to follow celebrities through airports, this parade usually ends before the star boards. Some of Xiao Zhan’s fans, however, were caught on camera blocking him from boarding his flight to Macau.
Xiao Zhan was unable to enter the plane until his bodyguards pushed them aside to clear the way. In the video, flight attendants, dressed in red, could also be seen trying to escort Xiao Zhan to his seat during the kerfuffle. Another passenger also closed curtains, possibly in an attempt to give the star privacy.
Watch the video here:
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