8+ Pictures That Prove Haru Is Turning Into A Mini Tablo

Haru is becoming a mini Tablo, not just by her looks!

Tablo and Kang Hye Jung‘s daughter Haru has grown so much since she appeared on The Return of Superman!


And it is apparent that she is becoming more and more like Tablo as she gets older!


The father/daughter duo always looked alike ever since Haru was little.


But now, their similarities are going beyond just looks!


Apparently, Haru has been handed down Tablo’s swag as well.


She exudes the confident attitude in her expression that her father has…


…Pulls off the hip-hop style naturally…


…And even loves to listen to music just like her father!


Fans have been particularly been amazed at how well Haru speaks English (again, just like her father)!


They have been commenting on her striking resemblance to Tablo.

  • “Tablo gave birth to another Tablo…”
  • “She’s got the swag”
  • “Looks like she’d be pretty good at rapping”
  • “Hey, it’s Tablo”
  • “A long-haired Tablo”


Moreover, they’ve been commenting on her boyish, yet unique look.

  • “Very charismatic face. She has a very unique, almost an androgynous feel to her. Looks just like Tablo”
  • “She looks boyishly charming”
  • “She’s pretty…very distinct”


By the looks of this video, she might well become a rapper one day herself!

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Haru even looks a lot like Tablo did when he was younger!


Just a more adorable version of Tablo with long hair.


You know what they say, love brings you closer (and more similar) together!

Source: Herald Pop and Instagram
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