Fans Find Photos of Sunmi’s Attractive Brothers

Good genes obviously run in the family.

On January 22, Sunmi shared photos of her two younger brothers on her personal Instagram and their visuals attracted a lot of attention from everyone!

The post was deleted but fans saved the photos and kept sharing them, along with other photos of Sunmi’s siblings!

The youngest brother (pictured below) is called Lee Seung Don and, according to fans, he is the youngest of the 3 in the family.

The older one of the two is called Lee Sun Dong and even though he has a strong pose, he is still Sunmi’s younger brother!

As seen in this other photo of Lee Seung Don, all three of them have amazing visuals but what’s worth noting are the proportions that run in the family!

The “golden genes” in Sunmi’s family certainly didn’t bypass Lee Seung Don!

Photos can be deceiving sometimes, but it certainly appears that Lee Seung Don has the height and proportions that would make any woman swoon over him.

Finally, in this shot, Sunmi’s brothers may have been censored behind her, but their long legs and proportionate torsos are plain to see.

Source: Insight and DC Inside


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