Hyuna’s latest performance was so sexy that Gfriend and Red Velvet were shocked

HyunA is well-known for her sex appeal, sensual dance moves, and provocative music videos, but her performance at the 2017 MMAs shocked even her fellow idols.

Her new song, “Lip & Hip”, let loose its debut performance on the audience at the 2017 MMAs.

HyunA’s sparkling green dress and sensual dance moves were quick to steal the show.

There were two moves, however, that really caught everyone’s attention and garnered some reactions from GFRIEND and Red Velvet.

GFRIEND wasn’t quite sure what to do with themselves as HyunA and her dancers licked their hands.

What has really gotten everyone talking, though, is a portion of the choreography where HyunA actually lifts her bust with her hands.

Red Velvet seemed to get quite a kick out of HyunA’s choreography at this point.

The whole internet seemed enamored of HyunA’s performance, in fact, as she trended worldwide on Twitter immediately after her performance.

Watch HyunA’s full performance at the 2017 Melon Music Awards below to see what all the fuss was about:

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