Jackson’s 2-Year-Old Niece Became So Famous She Opened Her Own SNS Account

GOT7’s Jackson’s niece is loved by so many fans that she has her own Weibo account now.

Aimee is Jackson’s older brother’s 2-year-old daughter.

Aimee and her family currently live in Australia.

Jackson got to spend time with Aimee a couple months ago when GOT7 had a fan meeting in Australia.

Jackson first introduced her to fans during their live broadcast, backstage!

Jackson’s affectionate actions towards his niece melted the hearts of many.

He couldn’t help but tell others after leaving.

He even uploaded a video of the fun moments they shared together.

First time in Australia !! Can’t wait to meet you guys! Let’s get crazy tomorrow ! Today I walked around town with my brother’s family, great food and everything, it was a great experience, and I had a great day! Also because my extremely cutie niece Aimee!!! As your uncle, I’m sorry for not being able to spend time with you all the time, watching you grow from month to month, I will try my best in the future to come see you more and more often! And when ever I see you I will force to give you 3000000 kisses !! LOL I will miss you and remember, you’re the prettiest princess in the world. I love you sooooooo much my Aimee. 처음으로 호주 왔는데요! 내일 봐요 여러분! 미친듯이 한번 놀아보장!!! 오늘 친형의 가족이랑 호주 도시 안에 돌아봤는데 정말 좋았어요! 음식도 맛있고 정말 좋은 하루였어요. 당연히 우리 사랑하는 조카 Aimee 때문에 더 즐거웠죠! ㅋㅋ 우리 Aimee 야 ㅠㅠ 삼촌이 항상 너의 옆에 있지못해서 많이 미안해 ㅠㅠ 너의 성장 하는 모습 못 봐서 삼촌이 많이 마음이 아프다 ㅠ 앞으로 기회 있을때 마다 항상 항상 갈게!! 가자마자 너를 뽀뽀 3000000 번 할거야!!! 많이 보고싶을거고 ㅠ 그리고 우리 Aimee 는 이세상에 제일 예쁜 공주님이야! 삼촌이 많이 사랑해 !! 第一次来到澳洲!大家准备好明天跟我们一起疯狂了吗?今天跟我哥哥的家人在城市里走来走去,逛了很久,吃了很多好吃的,玩得很开心。 那也当然是因为我的侄女 Aimee! 我的宝贝Aimee, 叔叔不能经常在你身边陪你玩,不能够在你身边看你一天一天的成长,叔叔也很不开心,对不起你。但以后一有机会的话肯定马上飞过来看你!一看到你就会强亲你3000000 次!我会很想你的!还有我们是这世界上最漂亮的公主!现在是以后也是!叔叔很爱你! #jacksonwang #잭슨#王嘉爾 #Aimee #myniece #Australia #myfamily #prettiestgirlintheworld #loveyouAimee #새들앙나의조카양귀엽지않앙?

A post shared by Jackson Wang 王嘉爾 왕잭슨 (@jacksonwang852g7) on

The video is one of Jackson’s most watched Instagram clips with over 1,000,000 views!

After seeing how much love Aimee has been getting from IGOT7s, her parents created a Weibo account for her.

She currently has over 7000 followers!

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