Meet BTS Rap Monster’s Best Friend: Rapmon

Meet Rap Monster’s puppy, his name is Rapmon.

Rapmon joined the BTS family in August of 2013.

Since then, Rapmon has become a beloved member of BTS’s Twitter stream.

Rap Monster has referred to Rapmon as the “prettiest, cutest thing ever” on several occasions.

But Rapmon doesn’t always seem to share the same sentiment back…

ARMYs can expect Rap Monster to keep them updated on Rapmon any time he’s on tour or has the day off.

Because that’s when he misses the sweet puppy the most!

When he first arrived, Rapmon was just a small puppy who slept a lot.

But he’s since become a handsome and energetic young pup!

Rap Monster’s love for Rapmon is also really no joke.

He once painted the puppy’s nails pink in order to match his hair for “Run” promotions!

If that’s not a human’s best friend, who knows what is.

Such sweet puppy love!

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