Zico Reveals His Ideal Wife’s Personality and When He Will Marry Her

Zico revealed that he wants to get married, and this is exactly when he plans on tying the knot!

Block B’s Zico made his appearance on SBS’s Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 – a reality show with married couples – as a special MC.

He revealed that he watched every single episode of Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 and that this program makes him want to get married.

“The show made me want to get married when I saw loving scenes of couples hugging and kissing.

It’s such a wonderful sight. It made me jealous.”

— Zico

So the hosts were naturally curious about when he wanted to get married!

Zico revealed that it’s not anytime soon!

“I want to get married in the mid to late 30’s”

— Zico

He also revealed how he handles his romantic relationships.

“When I like someone, I am very straightforward. I go up to them and tell them that I have feelings for them.”

— Zico

He also revealed what kind of person he’s most attracted to these days.

“I like bright personality and those who have healthy look”

— Zico

Whoever the lucky bride will be, fans are sure that Zico would make a great husband!

Source: YTN

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