Wild Sasaeng Stories

Wild Sasaeng Stories

Sasaeng Uses Terrifying Method To Coax SEVENTEEN’s DK Into Answering The Phone
This is so unsafe.
Sasaeng Repeatedly Calls SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu
This wouldn’t be the first time.
4 Creepy Sasaeng Encounters, Exposed By A Famous Third-Generation Idol
These “fans” invaded his privacy multiple times.
SEVENTEEN’s Jeonghan Reacts Angrily To Sasaeng Calls During A Live Broadcast
It is an issue seen in almost every SEVENTEEN members’ broadcast!
“It Scares Me”: 5 Times BTS’s V Encountered Sasaengs
No one should have to experience this!
Outrage Sparks Over Footage of Rookie Idol Getting Terrorized By “Bootsoonies”
The boy group members were out to dine at a restaurant.
ARMY Urges HYBE To Protect BTS’s Jungkook After Alarming Death Threats
Is it the same person who sent him food recently?
BTS’s Jungkook Calls Out Fans Who Invaded His Privacy By Sending Food To His Home Address
“If you send it one more time…”
YouTuber Exposes The Scary Reality Of Sasaengs After Seeing A Fourth-Generation Male Idol Group At The Airport
The shocking POV came from a bystander!
A Trainee Was Chased By Sasaengs Just For Being Seen With A Famous K-Pop Idol
They wouldn’t leave her alone.
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