Ladies’ Code investigators find speeding to be the cause of tragic car accident

Details of the ongoing investigation with regards to the cause of the accident that caused the lives of Ladies’ Code’s RiSe and EunB with the rest injured, have been released. On October 20th, Yongin Seobu Police Station released the results of the detailed analysis submitted by the National Institute of Scientific Investigation (NISI) and confirmed that the cause of the accident was due to the driving over the posted speed limit and not a vehicle malfunction.

In the statement, it was also detailed that the driver was cruising to the speed of 130 kph instead of the legal limit of 100 kph, as investigated by the Road Safety Authority after analysing the recovered black box from the vehicle. With these results, the police will continue investigating the incident to determine if the driver needs to be charged.

The investigation was launched after the driver of the vehicle claimed that the accident happened due to the wheel popping out of the vehicle.

However, the findings state that there had been no fault found on the vehicle, rather a mistake on the driver.

Ladies’ Code, along with their manager and staff, got into an accident last September 3rd, which took the lives of members EunB and RiSe, leaving Ashley, Soojung and Zuny injured. Since the incident, Hyundai Starex launched a formal investigation to determine the accurate reason for the crash.

The investigation continues.

Photo: SportsSeoul

Source: SportsSeoul

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