10 Funniest Moments Of ATEEZ’s Interview in “Showterview With Sunmi”

Guess who the parrot is in their group?

ATEEZ appeared in Showterview With Sunmi to promote their latest album, “THE WORLD EP1: MOVEMENT.”

The interview was close to 30 minutes of chaotic conversations that covered ATEEZ’s rookie days, the ATEEZ Universe, and a peek at their “Guerilla” choreography. Here are the ten funniest moments in one of the most riotous interviews Sunmi has conducted on her show.

1. The way ATEEZ introduced themselves in a ‘global’ version

Since Sunmi mentioned that Showterview With Sunmi is a global talk show, ATEEZ prepared a special global introduction just for the show. The introduction they prepared looked like a cheesy broadway rip-off.

| Mobidic/Youtube

2. Sunmi’s squeal when they called her NUNA

Sunmi assured the boys they would talk casually, and they agreed, calling her ‘Sunmi Nuna.’ Upon hearing this, Sunmi got giddy and squealed.

| Mobidic/Youtube

3. Sunmi fangirling over ATEEZ dancing to “Gashina.”

ATEEZ expressed they were fanboys of Sunmi and showed her that they knew the choreography of “Gashina.” The boys earned a standing ovation from her!

| Mobidic/Youtube

4. Sunmi’s cringe moment when she made the king of pirates joke

Sunmi asked why Hongjoong was called Captain instead of leader, to which Choi San said, “Cuz we’re pirates.” She joked, “Do you want to be king of pirates?” When they were surprised she knew their song “Pirate King,” she sheepishly revealed that she meant it as a joke.

| Mobidic/Youtube

5. Seonghwa’s reaction to his ‘role’ in the group

Hongjoong shared that besides being the Captain, the other members also had roles and joked that Seonghwa was the parrot. His awkward face in between the angry birds was priceless.

| Mobidic/Youtube

6.  Cromer or Sandglass?

As Hongjoong explained the ATEEZ Universe, he shared that there was a vehicle that allowed travel between A to Z,  a Cromer, which is actually a sandglass. Although ATEEZ calls it a Cromer, Sunmi pointed out people know it more as a sandglass.

| Mobidic/Youtube

7. Sunmi joked that their boss must be Otaku

When Hongjoong shared the whole concept of his being a Captain, complete with wearing an armband, came from his boss, Sunmi joked that their boss must be Otaku. (An Otaku is defined as a person who is avidly interested in anime and manga culture)

| Mobidic/Youtube

8. When Wooyoung joked about their ‘universe lessons.’

Fascinated with the ATEEZ Universe, Sunmi asked if they took regular lessons to learn more about their universe concept. She laughed hard at Wooyoung’s joke that they only get briefed right before the MV shoots.

| Mobidic/Youtube

9. When Jongho was asked to say something

Everyone was actively participating in the interview, but Jongho remained quiet, taking it all in. Mingi asked him to say something out of the blue, and the group laughed because it was so random.

| Mobidic/Youtube

10.  Jongho finally speaks up voluntarily…about a camel pooping

Jongho finally speaks up, sharing his expectations about being a rookie and their first album concept. He suddenly mentioned seeing a camel poop beside them while shooting the MV. So random, so out of topic.

| Mobidic/Youtube

Bonus: ATEEZ performed “Guerilla.”

The interview wasn’t complete without ATEEZ showing their awesome “Guerilla” moves.

| Mobidic/Youtube

Watch the complete interview here:


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