10 Iconic And Gorgeous Looks From IU in “Hotel Del Luna” To Revisit

#5 was my favorite!

It’s been over a year and a half since the first episode of Hotel Del Luna has aired, and it’s about time we revisited some of IU‘s iconic looks as Jang Man Wol. So without further ado in no particular order, here are 10 iconic looks from the show:

1. This light blue tweed suit

Nothing screams power like a woman in a tweed suit. Paired with that lacy white button down shirt, she looks composed and ready to take on the world.

| tvNDrama

2. This soft flowy gown

IU is giving us soft fairy vibes with this gorgeous gown, long wavy hair, and sparkling jewelry.

| dazzlingkai/Tumblr

3. This Audrey Hepburn moment

What better outfit to go shopping for expensive jewelry than a classic black gown, black gloves, and small purse?

| dazzlingkai/Tumblr

4. This red leather coat

IU means business in this powerful look…you definitely don’t want to mess with her.

| endngscene/Tumblr 
| dlwlrma/Instagram

5. This iconic purple dress

This entire combination of floor length satin purple gown and black wide brim hat with a veil exudes witchy vibes. And she’s not playing around.

| @localwitch/Twitter

6. This playful floral dress

Paired with the lacy details, this flowy floral dress is a stark contrast to her other more form-fitting and regal outfits.

| fullmoon.long/Instagram

7. This all black ensemble

IU had many all black looks during the show, and this is just one of them. She looks graceful as ever with a black hat, gloves, and shawl.

| fullmoon.long/Instagram

8. This patterned gown

Even when she’s out exorcising ghosts, IU manages to look gorgeous. With her wavy hair and curled bangs, no one would guess that she was about to go beat up some ghosts.

| tvNDrama

9. This all white ensemble

Again, not her only all white look from the show, but this outfit screamed prim and proper business lady who will not back down until she gets her way. I pray for anyone who chooses to go up against her.

| @une_rose_en_feu/Twitter

10. This summery floral dress

Another soft floral dress that takes away the edge from her normal “business” outfits, this one in particular made her look young and innocent, and not a powerful ghost hotel owner.

| dlwlrma/Instagram


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