Here Are 10+ Photos Showing The Evolution Of NCT Dream, From Debut Until Now

You’ll be shocked at how much they’ve grown!

NCT Dream is famously known as the group’s youngest unit, with all the members in the teenage range (in international age). The maknae group of NCT debuted in 2016 with the single “Chewing Gum”, and has since grown up from boys to men, right before our eyes! Get on the bittersweet ride that is their growth as a group, and look at 10+ photos that show their evolution, from their debut until now!

1. Mark

Mark debuted thrice in NCT, first in NCT U, then in NCT 127, and finally, in NCT Dream. Although NCT Dream had no leader, Mark was the oldest leader, and took on leadership tasks by default. He graduated from the unit on December 31, 2018, having hit the international age of 20 and no longer being eligible for the group. He’s still regarded as a member of NCT Dream, however, and has grown from an adorable boy to a handsome man!


Now (recent NCT 127 photos)


2. Renjun

Renjun debuted as the lead vocalist in the group, and was an incredible help to his fellow Chinese member Chenle. When he debuted, he had an adorable snaggletooth that just added to his cuteness, but he soon got braces, which corrected it, helping him grow into a more mature aura. Fans love him for his talents and savage personality, and love that his talents and visuals grow immensely in equal measure!




3. Jeno

Jeno was a famous child actor, and while a member of the SM Entertainment pre-debut team, was noted for his strong visual game. As he’s grown as a lead dancer and rapper in the team, he’s also noticeably grown into his features, and is now regarded as a top visual! Fans love his silly personality and even though he’s called the “un-funny” one in the group, it steadfastedly remains part of his charm!




4. Haechan

Haechan is often regarded as the mood-maker of the group, and is known to cheekily annoy each and every member of his group, no matter what unit he’s in. He’s also noted for his amazing singing and dancing ability, and an incredibly attuned variety sense that makes him shine on variety shows! Even though he debuted at the age of 16 (international age), and his group members have matured noticeably, Haechan still manages to retain an adorable energy in him-but with an unmistakably mature air around him!




5. Jaemin

Jaemin is another member noted for his extremely handsome visuals, where his large eyes and beautiful smile take centre stage! When he debuted, he was an adorably hyper boy with the cutest smile, and fans immediately fell in love with him! He went on hiatus in late 2016 to treat a back injury, and when he returned for the group’s promotions with “Go” in 2018, fans were gobsmacked with how much he’d grown! As fans had completely missed a large part of his development during his hiatus, his return marked NCT’s mature era, and he brought with him the age of the group’s upgraded visuals and talents!




6. Chenle

Chenle was the last member to join NCT Dream, and only trained for 2 months before making his debut in 2016 with the group. His adorably fluffy cheeks and cute singing voice made him an instant fan favorite, and his loud “dolphin-laugh” immediately became his trademark! In 2020, Chenle is 20 years old (Korean age), and is hence an adult, but fans still see him as the smol baby who joined NCT Dream at 15 (international age), and gave to the group his killer vocals in their songs, and his love for laughter!




7. Jisung

Jisung is the group’s main dancer and maknae, and is known for being the maknae-on-top! He debuted at the young age of 14 (international age), and was immediately notable for his cute appearance and incredible dance moves. According to his members, while his visuals have always been adorable, his personality is not, with Haechan hilariously describing him as having “the visuals of “Chewing Gum”, but the personality of “Go” “. Jisung seems to have grown up the most, and now towers over the entire group as the tallest member, when he used to be one of the shortest! Fans love him for his lovable personality, and know that he’s going to grow into an even better performer one day!




They’ve grown up so well!


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