10 Times BTS’s J-Hope Looked Absolutely Royal Doing His Signature “Prince” Bow

Prince J-Hope of Sunshine Land has always been the gentlest of all gentlemen.

Is BTS‘s J-Hope some sort of royalty? From the way he keeps bowing, yes that may be so. Prince J-Hope of Sunshine Land has always been the gentlest of all gentlemen, but his royal glow is definitely the strongest whenever he bows to make his exit. Here are 10 times J-Hope looked absolutely young-and-rich, tall-and-handsome, and just noble-AF.


1. Prince J-Hope of White Tuxedos

Just look at the fancy handwork!


2. Prince J-Hope of Red Heads

He even has that royal smile.


3. Prince J-Hope of Pink Shirts

How does he make it look so natural?


4. Prince J-Hope of Checkered Knits

Watch and learn, this pose is perfection.


5. Prince J-Hope of Sequins

That glow is real.


6. Prince J-Hope of Sunshine Land

If this does not remind you of a ray of sunshine on a beautiful day, then what will?


7. Prince J-Hope of Bomber Jackets

He can even work in his prince-y bows mid-performance!


8. Prince J-Hope of Leather Harnesses

This leather-wrapped J-Hope gave ARMYs life.


9. Prince J-Hope of 2D Dreams

Doesn’t he actually look like a Disney prince?


10. Prince J-hope of Big Smiles

Let J-Hope’s warm glowing smile instantly brighten your day!


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