11 Korean High School Pranks That Went TOO Far

1. Sideway Desks

Students are expected to come early to class and be ready for when the teacher comes, but the teacher never expected to see THIS.


2. Give me a sign!

These students took off signs from different classrooms and made a collage out of them. Maybe the whole school had class in one room?


3. Sideways lecture

Some students not only turn their desks sideways, but they sit in the desks and wait for their teacher to come. Talk about a morning scare!


4. Teachers join in too

When students are sitting sideways, the teachers have no choice but to teach them sideways!


5. Invisibility

This is definitely a reason for a double-take. The clothes are set up so realistically that it seems as if students are sitting down, yet the classroom is empty…or is it?


6. Backwards uniforms

Entering a classroom to see this can cause one or two screams. The long hair makes for a very scary effect, mimicking a monster from a horror movie.


7. Find me if you can!

This can definitely give some teachers quite the scare. A teacher calls your name and you peek from under their desk and say “Here!”


8. Upsidedown hangman

Some students really shocked their teachers when they wrote “Sorry professor, it was too difficult.” on the chalkboard and hung their pants and shoes outside of a window, giving the impression that they were hanging upside down outside the window.


9. Everyone on the floor

 This prank might be the definition of “crossing the line” and for good reason. Leaving shoes by a window and looking down and seeing students laying on the ground might just scare the souls out of some people.



10. Fake injuries

Some kids have gone so far as to use fake blood to make it seem like there were serious injuries in the classroom. And teachers were shocked and worried…until they found out it was a prank and became furious.


11. Dancing like there’s no tomorrow

This is one is just too funny. These girls planned out this elaborate dancing prank, and the teacher is so confused as to what’s going on. Just watch~

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