11 Of The Sassiest Things BTS’s V Has Ever Said, Or Done To His Own Group

Sometimes V is so savage, he can even give Suga a run for his money.

BTS‘s V is one of the kindest people on the planet, but he can also be sassy AF when he wants to be…and, oh, he wants to be!

1. That time he told Jin to, “Stop talking. Dead skin cells are coming out of your mouth.”

2. When he stole RM’s watermelon

3. When he shoved Jimin over on stage

4. When he brought up Suga’s audition tape out of nowhere

5. When he squeezed Jungkook’s hand…then instantly regretted it

6. Jimin asked V what was more important to him: Jimin or food. V said, “why would you be important?”

7. When he said he’d rather cut off his ring finger than accept Suga’s proposal

8. When he told Jimin, “They’re not looking at you.”

9. When he slapped “Suga” out of Jin’s hand

10. When he couldn’t think of any compliments for RM

11. When he used this fan’s compliment as a way to insult Jimin



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